Jesuit science and the Republic of letters -
"What Determined the Content of Missionary Reports? The Jesuit Relations Compared with the Iberian Jesuit Accounts" - Abé, Takao
"Jesuit buildings in China and Japan: a comparative study" - Diniz, Sofia
"The Jesuits, the devil, and pollution in Japan" - Elisonas, J.S.A.
"Lire les chroniques (Deuxième partie)" - Girard, Pascale
"Cinderalla and the Jesuits. An Otogizoshi Cycle as Christian Literature." - Mulhern, Chieko Irie
"Diogo de Mesquita, S. J. and the Jesuit Mission Press" - Pacheco, Diego
"Commencements du ciel et de la terre : Conte japonais traduit de l'allemand par Jacques et Marianne Proust" - Proust, Jacques et Marianne
"Jesuit education; its history and principles viewed in the light of modern educational problems" - Schwickerath, Robert
_Jesuit plays on Japan and English Recusancy : An essay by Masahiro Takenaka with editions and translations by Charles Burnett._ - Takenaka, Masahiro
"Vous avez dit 'jésuite' ?" - Woodrow, Alain