The Christian century in Japan, 1549-1650 - Boxer, Charles Ralph
"Rodrigues the interpreter : An Early Jesuit in Japan and China" - Cooper, Michael
"Les œuvres imprimées des missions européennes au Japon, à Goa, Macao, Manille : 1588-1630" - Debergh, Minako
"La première évangélisation du Japon au XVI siècle : catéchismes sommaires, predication, catéchèse graduée" - Debergh, Minako
"The Meeting of Cultures" - Ebisawa, Arimichi
The Japanese translations of the Jesuit mission press, 1590-1614: De Imitatione Christi and Guía de Pecadores - Farge, W.J.
"Doctrina en dix articles et Doctrina en onze articles" - Humbertclaude, Pierre
History of the Catholic Church in Japan from its beginnings to the early Meiji Period (1549-1873) - Jennes, Jozef
Notes sur la presse jésuite au Japon et plus spécialement sur les livres imprimés en caractères japonais - Koda, Shigetomo
"The Book in Japan: A Cultural History from the Beginnings to the Nineteenth Century" - Kornicki, Peter
“Francisco Xavier and Aesop’s Fables. An anecdote from 'the Historical Documents Relating To Japan.’” - Kubo, Masaaki
"Jesuit textual strategies in Japan between 1549 and 1582" - Loureiro, Rui Manuel
The Japanese and the Jesuits: Alessandro Valignano in sixteenth century Japan - Moran, Joseph F.
" 'Kirishitan-ban,' Books Printed by the Jesuit Mission Presse in Japan" - Obara, Satoru
"Diogo de Mesquita, S. J. and the Jesuit Mission Press" - Pacheco, Diego
L'Europe au prisme du Japon : XVIe-XVIIIe siècle. Entre humanisme, Contre-Réforme et Lumières - Proust, Jacques
Research on the 1593 Jesuit Mission Press Edition of Esop's Fables, - Spear, Richard L.