"St. Francis Xavier’s Discovery of Japanese Buddhism : A Chapter in the European Discovery of Buddhism (Part 1 : Before the Arrival in Japan, 1547-1579)" - App, Urs
"The Early Jesuits in Japan and Buddhism" - Cooper, Michael
"Les Jésuites et les funérailles chrétiennes face aux traditions du Japon (XVIe S.)" - Debergh, Minako
"La première évangélisation du Japon au XVI siècle : catéchismes sommaires, predication, catéchèse graduée" - Debergh, Minako
"Des 'hidalgos' à l'autre bout de la terre?" - Didier, Hugues
The Japanese translations of the Jesuit mission press, 1590-1614: De Imitatione Christi and Guía de Pecadores - Farge, W.J.
“Japanese Buddhism in the 16th Century. Letters of the Jesuit Missionaries.” - Sindemann, Kerstin-Katja