"Ricci, homme de la Renaissance?" - Corradini, Piero
The Japanese and the Jesuits: Alessandro Valignano in sixteenth century Japan - Moran, Joseph F.
"Recherches sur la présence portugaise au Japon. La chrétienté japonaise au XVIe siècle." - Oliveira e Costa, João Paulo
"The Jesuit missions in Japan and China: two distinct realities. Cultural adaptation and the assimilation of natives" - Pina, Isabel
"Commencements du ciel et de la terre : Conte japonais traduit de l'allemand par Jacques et Marianne Proust" - Proust, Jacques et Marianne
"_Local sources of funding for the Japanese mission_" - Rodrigues, Helena
"The real author of the De missione legatorum iaponensium ad romanam curiam ... dialogus: a reconsideration" - Takasem K.
"The Jesuit Enterprise in Japan, 1573-1580" - Uçerler, M.A.J.
"Jesuits Too: Jesuits, Women Catechists, and Jezebels in Christian-Century Japan." - Ward, Haruko Nawata
_God’s Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power. A History of the Jesuits_ - Wright, Jonathan