_José de Acosta, S. J. (1540-1600): His Life and Thought_ - Burgaleta, Claudio M.
“The theology of José de Acosta (1540-1600) - Challenge and Inspiration for Bridging the Gap Between the Academy, Society, and the Church (Discovering the theological legacy of colonial Latin-America).” - Burgaleta, Claudio. M., s.j.
"Humanisme et Renaissance en Nouvelle Espagne dans la perspective des missionnaires du XVIe siècle." - Durand, E. J. de et Durand-Forest, J. de
“Stranger in a Foreign Land: José de Acosta's Scientific Realizations in Sixteenth-Century Peru.” - Ford, Thayne R.
“The Forbidden Food: Francisco de Vitoria and Jose de Acosta on Cannibalism.” - Pagden, Anthony
“La Renaissance et le Nouveau Monde : José d'Acosta, jéuite anthropologue.” - Pino Díaz, Fermín del
"José de Acosta: Reading the American past and programming the future toward the Christianization of Amerindians.” - Shepherd, Gregory Jay
"Le Monde multipolaire des missionnaires jésuites" - Tinguely, Frédéric